Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Stay away from the Mall - Stay Away from the Mall-

This movie goes nowhere , it's bland and predictable ,and worst of all NOT Funny -

Follow the adventures of an overweight mall security guard, Paul Blart, as he fights a mall take over on Black Friday the biggest shopping day of the year -

The good thing no cursing or nudity - as for plot and dialog - none to write home about.

Stay home and rent a good movie - No popcorn

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Hotel For Dogs

If it's time to get out of the house with the kids you'll have a good time watching them laugh and enjoy this light comedy.

NO Foul language,No Sex, No High speed car chases.

Just Kids and lot and lots of Dogs.

With A Happy Feel Good Ending.

3 Buttered Popcorn Bags
